
Bard Hero is an achievement present in Spore.

Tips and Tricks[]

Behavior in the Cell Stage Behavior in the Creature Stage Behavior in the Tribal Stage Behavior in the Civilization Stage Resulting archetype
Herbivore Adaptable Industrious Military Bard
Herbivore Adaptable Aggressive Economic Bard
Herbivore Predator Industrious Economic Bard
Omnivore Social Industrious Military Bard
Omnivore Social Aggressive Economic Bard
Omnivore Adaptable Friendly Military Bard
Omnivore Adaptable Aggressive Religious Bard
Omnivore Predator Friendly Economic Bard
Omnivore Predator Industrious Religious Bard
Carnivore Social Industrious Economic Bard
Carnivore Adaptable Friendly Economic Bard
Carnivore Adaptable Industrious Religious Bard