The relation face for an ally.
Alliance is a relationship status and state. It is displayed as a green smiley face with closed eyes and an open smile.
Cell Stage[]
Due to the limited relationship system in the Cell Stage, the only allies are other cells of the player's kind.
Creature Stage[]
In Creature Stage, the player can become allies with another species by befriending 3 members of the species. Allied species can be aligned to the player's pack after socializing once again with that creature of the allied species and have permission to restore health on their nest. Allying the alpha creature can be done only one time. Epic creatures can also become allies if the player has allied with the nest species correlating with theirs.
Tribal Stage[]
Alliance can be established by successfully impressing other tribes with music at least twice in order to ally with that tribe. Alliance is the primary way to progress through the Tribal Stage, while the contrary is destroying tribes that lower the perimeter of History to "Aggression". The allied tribe will periodically bring gifts worth 10 food points and the relationship with them won't decrease as time passes. However, attacking them via firebombs or other non-direct attacks breaks the alliance into neutral. Also, if members of an allied tribe happen to be in the immediate vicinity of a battle, they may fight alongside the player.
Civilization Stage[]
In the Civilization Stage, giving gifts and complimenting a nation are the simplest ways to raise your relationship. However, while taking over a nation, you may see your relationship with another nation quickly rise. That is because you fought their enemy, which gives a large sum of alliance relation with that civilization. Also, buying their city for a generous sum will make them more friendly with you as well as granting you control of the city. An alliance only occurs if the relation face of that empire is green (in which case a message reads "You are now in alliance with [color] Nation." appears). Otherwise, it's not considered an alliance and the said empire might turn on the player's nation or consider them as a threat. This can happen even if the relationship is in a blue face.
Through allies, you can ask them to attack other nations, and at the end of the game, they will ask you if they can join your empire. This is called a Diplomatic Takeover and is a simple way to expand towards the end if you do not want to use a superweapon like ICBM or Global Merger. It also makes it much easier to get the Fear of Flying achievement.
An alliance only occurs if the relation face of that empire is green (in which case a message reads "You are now in alliance with [color] Nation." appears). Otherwise, it's not considered an alliance and the said empire might turn on you for considering you a threat. This can happen even if the relation is in a blue face.
- If the relation face drops from a green face to a blue face, you receive another message reads "You are no longer in alliance with [color] Nation", implying that you must keep the relation bonus at 70 to make sure the alliance exists.
Space Stage[]

Allied with an empire while still having the relation bonus of war
There are lots of ways to be awarded a green smiley relationship. Those ways are to bring gifts (the more money you pay, the more relation bonus you get), do missions, agree to help that empire, trade, use the Happy Ray, place an Embassy on one of their planets, making a generous offer to buy their star system, terraform one or more of their planets, and defend them from Eco Disasters and attacks. Also, you can get a friendship advantage by evolving sentient species using a Monolith.
Through allies, you can add new ships to your Space Fleet and you can have them help you conquer an enemy empire. They can also teach you their philosophy. Allying with them also speeds up your progress in the Body Guard, Diplomat, Trader, Economist, Zoologist, Missionista, and Eco Hero Badges.
However, there are lots of ways to make other empires unhappy with you. The most common way is refusing to give them money when they demand you for it or by attacking their cities or ships. There are several other ways such as befriending the Grox, which makes all other space empires hate you (not including your own) and breaking the Galactic Code, which is triggered by using gadgets such as the Planet buster or using superweapons like the Zealot's Fanatical Frenzy or the Scientist's Gravitation Wave.
In the Space Stage, an alliance with another empire can still go on even if the said empire's relation face drops to a blue face. In this case, a message appears and says "(The [species] Empire is losing interest in your alliance. Pay them a visit.". If the relation face drops to yellow, the alliance will be ceased, with a message saying "Your alliance with the [species] Empire has been severed.".
It is possible to be both at war with and allied with an empire, but this is uncommon.
- Occasionally there is a glitch, where, if you befriend a species who originally had an orange angry face with you (usually just hostile), it may still attack you. This occurs when you do not befriend all members at a nest. This causes all members of the species to be angry with you. The species will still be your ally, displayed with a green happy face on the minimap, but will chase and try to kill you, Beware! If you have unlocked the skill Siren Song by completing the cell stage as a herbivore, you can attempt to ally with hostile animals, making hard mode a lot easier. And there is another glitch where sometimes if you meet an unevolved creature that has an orange face and then you meet the evolved creation of that creature and you befriend them Sometimes it will say the unevolved creature's nest which has an orange face is your ally on the minimap. And it also lets you heal at their nest.
See also[]