
Adventure Town is a Maxis-made adventure present in Spore Galactic Adventures. It is an introduction to the adventures when accessing the Galactic Adventures menu.

The adventure takes place under the same name as the title, featuring a vibrant kingdom-like town homing a variety of interactable inhabitants.


Upon loading the adventure, the first goal is to move to the gate of the town. On the player's way, the player will meet dancing Bunny Froo Froos, although they are known as Adventure Town Bunnies within the adventure. They all have positive emotions, in which they say that they are pleased to see the player. Once the player reaches the gate, there are two guards, who will repeat the welcome message and invite the player into Adventure Town.

The second goal after entering Adventure Town is to talk to a frog-like character named Mr. Mayor. He welcomes the player to this tutorial adventure and sets another goal: to talk to the inhabitants of the town. There, the player must talk to three people: The Gallery Owner, who owns an interactive museum; the Playwright, who is choreographing a play including a hero and a fake dragon; and Ms. Spoffit, who runs a small farm-like area and who introduces the player to the Spoffits, a common gag in Maxis Adventures. Once the player has talked to Ms. Spoffit, the next goal is to talk to Carnie. Here is an optional minigame where the player can throw explosive pies at a Clown, who taunts them and can be hit with the 'pies' but not killed. Near the Carnie is a large ramp. The player must ascend the ramp and talk to Captain Amazing. Finally, the player must return to the town entrance and talk to the mayor one last time in order to leave Adventure Town.


Act Name Description Time Limit Goals Music
I: Welcome to Adventure Town Walk down the hill through the gates and into Adventure Town. None
  • Move to 1 Town Main Gate
II: Meet the Mayor Meet the Mayor of Adventure Town, he's standing by the fountain. None
  • Talk to Mr Mayor
III: Meet the Citizens Talk to the Gallery Owner by the Museum, to the affable Playwright by the stage and to Ms Spoffit by the village on the other side of the river. None
  • Give Bear Flag to Kitty Base
IV: Meet Captain Amazing! Captain Amazing is in town and he's waiting for you! Find the ramp and find Captain Amazing. Oh, and say hello to the Carny on the way there. None
  • Talk to Carnie
  • Talk to Captain Amazing
V: Leaving Town Explore Adventure Town at your leisure.  Visit  Mr Mayor when you're ready to leave. None
  • Talk to Mr Mayor
Victory March

Introduction & Exit Adventure[]

Introduction Winning Text Losing Text
Welcome Captain to Spore Galactic Adventures! This introductory adventure will walk you through some of the wondrous possibilities of the Adventure Creator. Proceed into Adventure Town and speak with Mr Mayor! Congratulations on completing your first Adventure! Your Captain is ready to take on more exciting Adventures! Adventure Town is usually a friendly place... Please try again!


  • If the player hops into the sheep shearing machine, the captain will appear on an island full of exploding pies in the shape of a smiling face and die. This island is designed to kill the Spoffits that enter the machine so that they respawn, giving the appearance that many Spoffits are entering the machine and coming out sheared on the other end.
  • Ms. Spoffit mentions that some of her Spoffits have run away, a reference to the English nursery rhyme, "Little Bo-Peep".
  • This adventure introduces the recurring easter egg in Maxis-made adventures, the hidden Spoffit.
  • The player can throw exploding pies at the Clown in an optional minigame, advertised by the Carnie. While it is possible to hit the clown, he is invincible, so he cannot be killed. The exploding pies are one of the few ways to die during the course of this adventure. Ironically, the Clown is called "Blasto the Clown".
  • The inside of the museum is actually located on the other side of the planet and connected to the main town by a pair of teleporters disguised as doors.
  • If the captain steals the honey from the area near the screaming beekeeper and gives it to the Phyrus Farmers, they will act happy and pass the honey between one another every few seconds.
  • The museum contains a statue of Steve, with a description saying he was last seen selling timeshares near the Galactic Core. This mirrors what he says about nearly being sold out on "a wonderful time-share opportunity" in-game. This corresponds to when the player encounters Steve in the main game.
  • The other artifacts in the museum include Baldemoore's Cup, the Corpse of King Rocky the Rock, a Golden Gnome, and the Crown of King Bubbulon the 397th.
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The Steve statue.

  • There are two guardians at the town's entrance. One is at green face but another is at the red face, but is invincible and will not attack the player.
  • There is an island on the planet that has four rocks that cannot be deleted.
  • Adventure Town is infamous within Spore's community due to the game requiring the adventure to be played in order to access the rest of Galactic Adventures' features. It is often the subject of parodic edits from other players that typically depict the eponymous town being destroyed.