
The Adventure Creator is a creator introduced in the Spore Galactic Adventures expansion pack that allows players to create and edit adventures. It comes with several new adventure-related achievements.

Build Mode[]

The part of the Adventure Creator is the actual adventure itself. Build Mode's section contains 8 tabs in a row: Creatures, vehicles, buildings, Fixed Objects, Gameplay Objects, Audio, Effects, and Case In Use. All tabs can contain 6 pages of loaded creations--60 maximum and can choose one of the vehicles, buildings, or creatures from the Sporepedia to bring onto the planet's surface.

  • Behaviors: Available for creatures and vehicles only. They can be given 6 behaviors adjusted to them: Peaceful, Neutral, Mindless, Territorial, Aggressive, and Advanced (accessed via holding CTRL + right-button). Peaceful creations are neutral, have happy behaviors, and if they're harmed, they will cower and flee from the enemy. Neutral creations are similar to peaceful creations, except they will attack the foe if they are harmed by them. Mindless creations are numb and won't react to the attacker. Territorial creatures are hostile and will temporarily growl and attack in range. Aggressive creatures will attack anything in range but allies.
  • Stats: There are 4 stats available for creatures, vehicles, and buildings (only has adjustable health stat). "Awareness" stat allows the creation to react to another creation in the range. "Speed" affects the movement speed. "Damage Bonus" affects how much the creation deals the amount of damage to another. "Health" affects the number of health points to endure attacks.
  • Speech/Captions: Available for everything but music and effects, it allows the object to send speech bubbles on top of it. They can have 4 styles; "Speech Bubble", "Caption Bubble", "Thought Bubble", and "Radio Bubble", and 5 columns of addible speeches. Chatters will send automatically and randomly from multiple given texts, and "Inspect/Talk to" tab requires the player to manually click on the object to send the speech bubble starting from the top column to down.
  • Show/Hide Cast Member: Available for every single thing, it allows toggling the visibility and existence of the object. The object can be hidden in a certain act (if the Act bar of the object is turned off).
  • Team: Available for creatures, vehicles, and buildings. There are 5 available teams: No Team, which belongs to none and can be interacted with socially or aggressively, Allied Team are automatically allied with the player and cannot be attacked. The rest of the others; Enemy Team 1 (red), Enemy Team 2 (yellow), and Enemy Team 3 (blue), are enemies and cannot be socialized at all, distinct teams will attack each other if they're aggressive.
  • Pick-Up: Only available for creatures, it allows the creature to be given a handheld object, given to 3 options; None, Any, or Target.
  • Give: Same as before, it allows the creature to present the handheld object to another, given to 3 options; None, Any, or Target.
  • Movement: Available for both creatures and vehicles, it allows adjusting the creature's movement behavior. It has 5 options: "Stationary", which will stand idly without moving, "Wander" which allows the creation to walk randomly, "Patrol" which will make the creation move to the spot and then back to where it was, "Move To" makes the creation move to the spot and stay idly here, and "Follow" makes the creation follow the marked target.


An adventure can have up to eight acts each with three objectives. Some objectives can have counters like 'kill 10 of [creature]', or 'collect 5 gem piles'. It can also be set to collect all, befriend all, etc, until all things of that type have been befriended, collected, protected, etc.

  • Kill/Destroy: Kill or destroy the specified amount of the target.
  • Befriend: Complete the socialization process, does not need to add it to the crew.
  • Ally: Befriend a creature and add it to your team, must have at least one open slot to do so.
  • Talk To/Examine: Talk to the living creature or examine a building, plant, rock, decoration, vehicle, or dead creature.
  • Move To: Approach the specified amount of a given object.
  • Hold: Pick up a given object.
  • Give: Pick up a given object and give it to a specified creature.
  • Collect: Approach the specified amount of objects, which disappear after being approached with an effect.
  • Bring: Have one object approach another.
  • Block: Do not let a given target approach the other target.
  • Defend: Keep the specified amount of creatures, buildings, or vehicles alive.

Terraform Mode[]

The Terraform Mode allows the player to adjust the planet's terrain, allowing to change colors of the planet, as well as bringing in stamps, which include things like lava pits, hills, etc. The player is able to rotate and change the size of the stamps they put in, just like with the parts in the other creators. The planet is automatically covered in flora, but the player can manually add or remove plants using the planet editor. There are several sliders to change the planets day and night, atmosphere, heat, and water level. If the planet is hot enough; if will be replaced with lava, and if a planet is cold enough, the water will be replaced with ice. The planets design will also have other effects, such as adding in hazards like lava, which will damage creatures who fall into it, lightning, damaging players that get too high up into the air, and other things.

Interactive objects[]

There are many interactive objects that can be placed into an adventure.




  • There is a glitch that can occur when someone makes an adventure with respawning power-ups; when editing, the power-ups are in the right places, but when the creator tests the adventure, the power-ups are in the wrong places.

See Also[]

External Links[]
