
Achievements are received by performing certain tasks during the game, or by the popularity of the player's creations. There are 100 achievements to earn throughout Spore gameplay (not including those which are no longer achievable), and the expansion pack Spore Galactic Adventures provides 50 more achievements.

Using some cheats will disable earning achievements during the game.

General Spore Achievements[]

Image Title Description
Galactic God image Galactic God Evolve a creature from cell to intergalactic space traveler in one continuous game.
Photographer image Photographer Send a photo or video to a friend from the Test Drive mode.
Architect image Architect Create and share 50 buildings.
Automotive Engineer image Automotive Engineer Make and publish 50 vehicles.
Biologist image Biologist Create and publish 100 different creatures.
Spore Fan image Spore Fan Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy.
Spore Addict image Spore Addict Spend 100 hours in your Spore galaxy.
Creator image Creator Spend more than 50 hours in the Creators.
Universe in a Box image Universe in a Box Play every game level and use every creator at least once.
Déjà Vu image Déjà Vu Stumble across one of your own creations when exploring the universe.
Social Engineer image Social Engineer Make 5 Sporecasts of 50 assets or more.
Rising Star image Rising Star Have 5 different Sporecasts subscribed to by at least 10 different people.
Front Page News image Front Page News Have one of your creations or Sporecasts featured on the Spore website.
Aluminum Cell image Aluminum Cell Complete Cell stage on Hard setting.
Iron Creature image Iron Creature Complete Creature stage on Hard setting.
Steel Tribe image Steel Tribe Complete Tribe stage on Hard setting.
Adamantium Civilization image Adamantium Civilization Complete Civilization stage on Hard setting.

Cell Stage Achievements[]

Image Title Description
Landfall image Landfall Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface!
Pacifist image Pacifist Finish the Cell stage without killing another creature.
Completist image Completist Unlock all the parts in Cell stage.
Speedfreak image Speedfreak Finish the Cell stage in under 8 minutes.
Cell Addict image Cell Addict Finish the Cell stage 25 times.

Creature Stage Achievements[]

Image Title Description
Creature Stage Unlocked image Creature Stage Unlocked Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage.
Evolver image Evolver Finish Creature stage.
Everyone's BFF image Everyone's BFF Finish the Creature stage by befriending at least 20 other species.
Foe image Foe Extinct at least 20 other species in Creature stage.
Max Power image Max Power Build a creature with max stats in at least four abilities while playing the Creature stage.
Survivor image Survivor Complete the Creature stage without dying.
Socialite image Socialite Meet 200 creatures made by other players.
Flight of the Bumblebee image Flight of the Bumblebee Fly for over 200 meters without touching the ground.
Devourer image Devourer Eat 50 different species across any number of games.
Village Folks image Village Folks Have three posse members from different species.
Speed Demon image Speed Demon Complete the Creature stage in less than an hour.
Bestial image Bestial Complete the Creature stage 10 times.
Epic Killer image Epic Killer Kill an Epic Creature in the Creature stage.

Tribal Stage Achievements[]

Image Title Description
Tribe Stage Unlocked image Tribe Stage Unlocked Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage.
Founder image Founder Complete the Tribal stage and build a city.
Tribal Socialite image Tribal Socialite Convert all 5 other tribes to your belief system.
Vicious image Vicious Kill all members of all 5 other tribes and raze their villages.
Domestic Bliss image Domestic Bliss Domesticate and farm three different species.
Watchful Parent image Watchful Parent Complete the Tribal stage without the death of a single tribe member.
Tribal image Tribal Complete the Tribal stage 10 times.
Ergonomically Terrific image Ergonomically Terrific Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour.

Civilization Stage Achievements[]

Image Title Description
Civilization Stage Unlocked image Civilization Stage Unlocked Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage.
Starman image Starman Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel.
Economist image Economist Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 economic cities.
Military Strongman image Military Strongman Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities.
Missionary image Missionary Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 religious cities.
Spice Hoarder image Spice Hoarder Control every spice node on the planet simultaneously.
Relentless image Relentless Complete the Civilization stage 10 times.
Rolling Thunder image Rolling Thunder Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour.
Ghetto Blaster image Ghetto Blaster Make 10 Anthems.

Space Stage Achievements[]


Image Title Description
Space Stage Unlocked image Space Stage Unlocked Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage.
Super Pilot image Super Pilot Spend at least 40 hours piloting your spaceship.
Civil Engineer image Civil Engineer Promote 20 alien tribes to civilizations.
Conquistador image Conquistador Capture 15 star systems.
Zoo Keeper image Zoo Keeper Make 15 zoo planets.
Bio Engineer image Bio Engineer Edit 25 creatures with the Creature Tweaker.
Palm Greaser image Palm Greaser Pay 50 bribes in the Space stage.
Maxis Scout image Maxis Scout Earn 100 badges in the Space stage.
Empire Builder image Empire Builder Maximize colonies on 10 planets.
Quietus Star image Quietus Star Destroy 20 planets.
Quest Master image Quest Master Complete 150 missions in the Space stage.
Gunner image Gunner Destroy at least 500 other spaceships.
Identity Crisis image Identity Crisis Forge an alliance between two space faring races of your own creation.
Thief image Thief Steal 50 crates of spice in the Space stage.
Manifest Destiny image Manifest Destiny Find Earth.
Careless Parent image Careless Parent Lose 5 planets.
42 image 42 Find the Center of the Galaxy.


Image Title Description
Alter Ego image Alter Ego Play Space as all 10 archetypes.
Alter Ego's Alter Ego image Alter Ego's Alter Ego Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as all archetypes.
Zealot Passion image Zealot Passion Play as Zealot.
Warrior Passion image Warrior Passion Play as Warrior.
Bard Passion image Bard Passion Play as Bard.
Knight Passion image Knight Passion Play as Knight.
Wanderer Passion image Wanderer Passion Play as Wanderer.
Trader Passion image Trader Passion Play as Trader.
Shaman Passion image Shaman Passion Play as Shaman.
Scientist Passion image Scientist Passion Play as Scientist.
Diplomat Passion image Diplomat Passion Play as Diplomat.
Ecologist Passion image Ecologist Passion Play as Ecologist.
Zealot Hero image Zealot Hero Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Zealot.
Warrior Hero image Warrior Hero Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Warrior.
Bard Hero image Bard Hero Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Bard.
Knight Hero image Knight Hero Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Knight.
Wanderer Hero image Wanderer Hero Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Wanderer.
Trader Hero image Trader Hero Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Trader.
Shaman Hero image Shaman Hero Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Shaman.
Scientist Hero image Scientist Hero Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Scientist.
Diplomat Hero image Diplomat Hero Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Diplomat.
Ecologist Hero image Ecologist Hero Achieved Master Badge Level 10 as Ecologist.
Split Personality image Split Personality Complete a "Change Archetype" mission.

Galactic Adventures Achievements[]


Image Title Description
Published Author image Published Author Publish an adventure.
Storyteller image Storyteller Publish 50 Adventures.
Adventurer image Adventurer Complete an adventure in Space Stage.
Grand Adventurer image Grand Adventurer Complete 100 Adventures in Space Stage.
Mercenary image Mercenary Kill 1000 creatures while playing Adventures in Space Game.
Dragon Slayer image Dragon Slayer Kill 1000 epics while playing Adventures in Space Game.
Social Butterfly image Social Butterfly Befriend 1000 creatures while playing Adventures in Space Game.
My Precious image My Precious Collect 3000 items while playing Adventures in Space Game.
Major Contributor image Major Contributor Give 500 gifts while playing Adventures in Space Game.
Red Shirt image Red Shirt Lose 100 crew members while playing Adventures in Space Game.
My Hero image My Hero Defend 500 creatures while playing Adventures in Space Game.
Demolition Expert image Demolition Expert Destroy 1000 buildings while playing Adventures in Space Game.
Auto-Wrecker image Auto-Wrecker Destroy 1000 vehicles while playing Adventures in Space Game.
Consumer image Consumer Complete 200 missions made by other players.
Costume Piece image Costume Piece Create 50 adventures with tribal, civilazation, and space actors.
Delerious Designer image Delerious Designer Create 50 adventures using only your creations.
Terraformaniac image Terraformaniac Create 50 adventures on planets that you terraformed.
Geared Up image Geared Up Outfit 50 creatures with adventure parts.
Dabbler image Dabbler Download over 500 adventures.
Aeschylus image Aeschylus Create 10 Adventures.
Moliere image Moliere Create 50 Adventures.
Shakespeare image Shakespeare Create 100 Adventures.
Scientist image Scientist Place 200 non-accessorised creatures into your adventures.
Going Tribal image Going Tribal Place 200 Tribal Creatures into your Adventures.
So Civilized image So Civilized Place 200 Civilization Creatures into your Adventures.
Emperor image Emperor Place 200 Empire Creatures into your Adventures.
Archtect image Architect Place 500 Buildings into your Adventures.
Mechanic image Mechanic Place 500 Vehicles into your Adventures.
Still Life Still Life Create 30 Adventures with no creatures.
Happy Times image Happy Times Create 30 adventures with all peaceful actors.
Large Ensemble image Large Ensemble Create 30 adventures with over 100 actors.
Granddaddy image Granddaddy Have 10 other creators edit one of your Adventures.
Bestseller image Bestseller Have your adventure featured by Maxis.


Image Title Description
My First Captain image My First Captain Raise a Captain to rank 10.
Captain Academy image Captain Academy Raise 10 captains to rank 10.
Fierce Warrior image Fierce Warrior Unlock all four Warrior parts on a Captain.
Intelligent Scientist image Intelligent Scientist Unlock all four Scientist parts on a Captain.
Industrious Trader image Industrious Trader Unlock all four Trader parts on a Captain.
Joyful Bard image Joyful Bard Unlock all four Bard parts on a Captain.
Faithful Zealot image Faithful Zealot Unlock all four Zealot parts on a Captain.
Wise Shaman image Wise Shaman Unlock all four Shaman parts on a Captain.
Just Diplomat image Just Diplomat Unlock all four Diplomat parts on a Captain.
Universal Ecologist image Universal Ecologist Unlock all four Ecologist parts on a Captain.

Hidden Achievements[]

While most not yet obtained achievements and their requirements are shaded but readable, there are nine which display only as "Secret" until achieved. Note that some games may still show a tenth (sixteenth if the player owns the Spore Galactic Adventures expansion pack) dimmed "Secret" even though it is no longer obtainable.

Image Title Description
Can't Win For Losing image Can't Win For Losing Die at least once in every stage of Spore.
Pathological Cheater image Pathological Cheater Use a cheat more than 50 times.
General Custer image General Custer Lead 30 posse members to their death in the Creature Stage.
Cerberus image Cerberus Evolve a creature with three heads in the Creature Stage.
Slugger image Slugger Finish Creature Stage without using legs.
Medic image Medic Heal one of your tribe members back to full health 5x in a single game during the Tribal Stage.
Conclusion image Conclusion Finish the Civilization stage by launching ICBMS and destroying all other cities.
Fear of Flying image Fear of Flying Complete the Civilization stage without buying any air vehicles.
Oh the Humanity! image Oh the Humanity! Gained for destroying Earth using a Planet Buster in the Space Stage.
Epic Fail image Epic Fail Fail 50 missions made by other players.
Chatter Box image Chatter Box Comment on 200 different adventures.
Mad Skills image Mad Skills Earn top ranks in 50 leader boards.
Maxis Super Fan image Maxis Super Fan Create 25 adventures using only Maxis made creatures.
The Critic image The Critic Rate 200 adventures.
Top Seller image Top Seller Get 1000 of your assets to be used in other people's adventures.

Removed Achievements[]

The following achievements were deleted. They are unachievable even with an unpatched game
Original Section Image Title Description
Hidden Achievements Bad Baby! image Bad Baby! Have one of your assets banned. This achievement has been removed as of patch #2 due to unpopularity in the Spore community. (But profiles that already got this achievement should still have it.)
Cut Achievements Luddite Destroy over 150 tool shacks of enemy tribes. This achievement was cut for unknown reasons


  • There is a known bug that causes cheating to block all future games from getting achievements. Note that Pathological Cheater is the only achievement that you gain by cheating.


  • Most of the creatures in the Achievement pictures have three eyes.
  • All progress for achievements yet to be gained is saved in the pollination.package data file, which also contains all downloaded creations. Deletion of this file or re-installing the game will reset progress. This includes which archetypes were used for the two Alter Ego achievements.
  • The background color for each achievement picture shows which stage the achievement is associated with.
  • The achievement pictures of both the "My First Captain" and "Captain Academy" achievements seem to be the same as the "Wise Shaman" achievement picture in game. Despite this, spore.com profiles show their intended pictures.